The spectrum song

Red, yellow, green, red, blue, blue, blue,
Red, purple, green, yellow, orange, red, red.
Red, yellow, green, red, blue, blue, blue,
Red, purple, green, yellow, orange, red, red.

Blend them up and what do you get?
Cerise, chartreuse and aqua,
Mauve, beige and ultramarine and ev’ry colour in between.
(spoken:) Ha-zo-ka-li-ka-no-cha-lum-bum!

Colour has its harmony and just like I have said:
Red, yellow, green, red, blue, blue, blue,
Red, purple, green, blue, purple red, red.

Red, yellow, green, red, blue, blue, blue, 
Red, purple, green, yellow, orange, red, red. 
Red, yellow, green, red, blue, blue, blue, 
Red, purple, green, yellow, orange, red, red.

Blend them up and what do you get? 
Cerise, chartreuse and aqua, 
Mauve, beige and ultramarine and ev’ry colour in between. 
(spoken:) Ing-za-ri-ka-fo-zi-brun-brun! 

Colour has its harmony and just like I have said: 
Red, yellow, green, red, blue, blue, blue, 
Red, purple, green, blue, purple red, red.