
A noun is a naming word.
Three types you should know:
Collective, common and proper nouns.
So come on let’s go.

Which one needs capitals?
Tell me, do you know?
Let’s sing this song together 
And the answer may show.

Common nouns are the general names
Like man, dog or clock.
Collective nouns name groups of things 
Like pride, herd or flock.
Proper nouns are particular people, 
Places or things
Like Bethany or Mister, London or Thames

I’m the capital of England, 
The home of Big Ben, 
My Prime Minister lives
At Number Ten.
What’s my noun? London.
My proper noun? London.

I’m the Head Teacher, 
I uphold the rules.
By working together
We create a good school.
What’s my noun? Mrs Taylor.
My proper noun? Mrs Taylor. 

A noun is a naming word.
Three types you should know:
Collective, common and proper nouns.
So come on let’s go.

Which one needs capitals?
Tell me, do you know?
Let’s sing this song together 
And the answer may show.

Common nouns are the general names
Like man, dog or clock.
Collective nouns name groups of things 
Like pride, herd or flock.
Proper nouns are particular people, 
Places or things
Like Bethany or Mister, London or Thames.

I’m a group of lions
from Africa,
We’re on the prowl, 
Now hear us roar!
What’s my noun? Pride.
Collective noun? Pride.

When all of my sheep friends
Group together,
Bleating on the hillside,
Whatever the weather.
What’s my noun? Flock.
Collective noun? Flock. 

A noun is a naming word.
Three types you should know:
Collective, common and proper nouns.
So come on let’s go-o-o.

Which one needs capitals?
Tell me, do you know?
Let’s sing this song together 
And the answer may show.

Common nouns are the general names
Like man, dog or clock.
Collective nouns name groups of things 
Like pride, herd or flock.
Proper nouns are particular people, 
Places or things
Like Bethany or Mister, London or Thames.

I’m man’s best friend,
I run in the park,
I wag my tail
And I love to bark.
What’s my noun? Dog.
My common noun? Dog.

I’m tick-tocking
All day long,
Counting the time
From dusk till dawn.
What’s my noun? Clock.
My common noun? Clock. 

A noun is a naming word.
Three types you should know:
Collective, common and proper nouns.
So come on let’s go.

Which one needs capitals?
Tell me, do you know?
Let’s sing this song together 
And the answer may show.

Proper nouns need a capital
At the start of each one.
Now we’ve all got the answer
This song is done.